Medical Canvassing
Medical Canvassing: What is it?
Medical Canvassing is designed to contact the closest medical facilities in a specific geographical area to find when and where a patient may have received medical treatment.
You may have heard about Medical Canvassing in terms of fraud investigation. Claims Adjusters often hire Medical Canvassers to find pre-existing injuries or previous injury claims.
This is only one definition of Medical Canvassing! As an attorney, you listen to your clients as they discuss the injury and list all of the places they were treated. Many times, however, we find that the client failed to include the specific medical campus, named the provider incorrectly, or may have even forgotten exactlywhere or when they treated. Sometimes they even recall an incorrect date of injury.

That's where we come in! We can do medical canvassing for you to be sure we have all the records for the injury. We want you to get the best settlement, and you need all the information to get it. We know how to find what you need from our years of experience tracking down elusive records.
Our Medical Canvasses are designed to contact the five (5) closest medical facilities in a specific geographical area to find when and where your client received medical treatment. The starting point is usually the client's home address, but it can be equally helpful to search other areas.
We have a team of researchers that know the providers and their systems, and we can quickly reach out for this valuable information. When we have completed the research, we will provide you with a form that lists all the information that we garnered regarding your patient's health history within your set parameters.
Using this process saves you time and removes the frustration of rejected Medical Record and Billing requests and reduces the endless back and forth communication with your clients. This option may not apply in every case, but there are many that need an extra bit of research to get the clearest picture of the injury/treatment and the best settlement for you both.